Before breakfast, think of 6 impossible things.

Template instructions (start here)

First of all, thanks for purchasing Primer — I'm thrilled! If you have any questions as you go through the setup process, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email. Let's get started!

  1. Duplicate this template to your own Notion workspace
  2. Create your site on Super and use your newly created page as the Notion URL
  3. Add your code to your Super settings: Sites > Settings (Gear Icon) > Code
  4. Under the Head tab, add the following code:
    <!-- jQuery v3.2.1 -->
    <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='script-name-js'></script>
    <!-- Product Theme javascript -->
    <script defer="defer" async src=""></script>
    <!-- Primer styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <!-- Add Analytics here (optional) -->

    Under the CSS tab, add the following code:
    This is where you update your template's colors.
    Select any hex color you'd like for --bg (background), 
    --contrast (text), --accent (accent color). 
    Please only change the 6-character hex color.
    :root {
      --bg: #E9E5D7 !important;
      --contrast: #070200 !important;
      --accent: #FE5B12 !important;
  5. Set up your pages on Super
  6. Sync URLs

    You can use Sync URLs if you like, but we find that adding pages manually to Super is a much more reliable way to handle page integration. This may change in the future, but we recommend doing this for now.

  7. Setup your navigation
  8. Before you launch, have a look at this checklist:
  9. Checklist
    Change the links in the Footer database
    Update your favicon in Super

Hi! I am Arnab.

✨ I design, make, perform, and write ✨ 

Work Database

I am...

An inter-disciplinary designer and creative technologist working with physical and digital affordances that we take for granted to create new reconfigurations between humans. Over the past decade, my work has taken me from designing software apps, systems, and services to programming interactive installations, objects, and immersive theatrical productions.


Shaping the future of haptic-enabled surgical training in my role as Principal Designer at FundamentalVR.
Building a video game that sheds light on how AI depends on human labor from the global south, as a recipient of the Mozilla Creative Media Award 2023 grant.
As a designer-in-residence at Ownpath, I am designing the student experience of their Product Design Fellowship to make it scalable and repeatable.
Designing and programming an arcade game as a part of Shall make; Shall be: a curatorial project for creating playable artworks themed around the Bill of Rights.
Designing+programming a children's storybook using machine learning and augmented reality as a part of "Together" fellowship.
Programming an AR-enabled interactive installation with friends at Think Happy Everyday and

Let’s talk


If you’d like to quickly connect, the best place is on Twitter.

If you wish to say hi or collaborate, please feel free to shoot me an email.

Check out



RowFooter rows
♥︎ Arnab Chakravarty. Made using Primer and Super.
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